
Compute output given input, transfer function and initial conditions

Compute output given input, transfer function and initial conditions
  1. How do you find the output given the input and transfer function?
  2. What are the initial conditions in transfer function?
  3. How do you find the system response from a transfer function?
  4. What is calculated by using transfer function?

How do you find the output given the input and transfer function?

To find the output, we multiply the transfer function by the input, and solve. We can find the inverse Laplace Transform by performing a partial fraction expansion to get the solution into forms that are in the table.

What are the initial conditions in transfer function?

Specifying Initial Conditions

A transfer function describes the relationship between input and output in Laplace (frequency) domain. Specifically, it is defined as the Laplace transform of the response (output) of a system with zero initial conditions to an impulse input.

How do you find the system response from a transfer function?

To find the unit step response, multiply the transfer function by the unit step (1/s) and the inverse Laplace transform using Partial Fraction Expansion..

What is calculated by using transfer function?

The transfer function of a system is defined as the ratio of Laplace transform of output to the Laplace transform of input where all the initial conditions are zero.

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