
Decision-level image fusion

Decision-level image fusion
  1. What is decision level image fusion?
  2. What is decision fusion?
  3. What is pixel level image fusion?
  4. What is high-level fusion?

What is decision level image fusion?

Decision-level fusion is a high-level information fusion, which is a hot spot in the field of information fusion. High-level fusion than other low-level fusion is more perfect, better real-time, and can better overcome the shortcomings of each sensor, but the disadvantage is the loss of information up.

What is decision fusion?

Decision fusion is one form of data fusion that combines the decisions of multiple classifiers into a common decision about the activity that occurred. Multiple classifiers are typically used with multi-modal sensors, when it is difficult to combine the sensor's data in the same feature vector (Sharma, 1998).

What is pixel level image fusion?

Pixel-level image fusion is designed to combine multiple input images into a fused image, which is expected to be more informative for human or machine perception as compared to any of the input images.

What is high-level fusion?

For supervised problems, the information in the different data matrices can also be linked at the level of the prediction obtained by the models. This is known as high-level data fusion (see Fig.

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