
Dispersion relationship

Dispersion relationship
  1. What is meant by dispersion relation?
  2. What is dispersion relation formula?
  3. What is the dispersion relation for light?
  4. What is a dispersion relation in plasma physics?

What is meant by dispersion relation?

A dispersion relation relates the wavelength or wavenumber of a wave to its frequency. Given the dispersion relation, one can calculate the phase velocity and group velocity of waves in the medium, as a function of frequency.

What is dispersion relation formula?

dispersion relation ω = ω(k) then the complete solution can be written. u(x, t) = ∫ ∞ −∞ A(k)eikx−iω(k)t dk.

What is the dispersion relation for light?

In vacuum, light's speed is c, and inside the prism, it is v, so n = c/v and varies with wavelength, λ. This variation causes a separation in the phase velocity and direction of each colored wavelength, causing them to separate. This separation is called dispersion.

What is a dispersion relation in plasma physics?

Dispersion relation. Dispersion relation provides a relationship between the wave vector and the frequency of a wave and describes under which conditions the wave can propagate and under which conditions it cannot propagate.

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