
Duality Property for DFT

Duality Property for DFT
  1. What is duality property in DFT?
  2. What is DFT explain property of DFT?

What is duality property in DFT?

The Duality Property tells us that if x(t) has a Fourier Transform X(ω), then if we form a new function of time that has the functional form of the transform, X(t), it will have a Fourier Transform x(ω) that has the functional form of the original time function (but is a function of frequency).

What is DFT explain property of DFT?

In mathematics, the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) converts a finite sequence of equally-spaced samples of a function into a same-length sequence of equally-spaced samples of the discrete-time Fourier transform (DTFT), which is a complex-valued function of frequency.

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