
Gold sequence generator matlab code

Gold sequence generator matlab code
  1. How do you make a gold code sequence?
  2. What is Gold Sequence generator?
  3. How many gold codes are there?

How do you make a gold code sequence?

A set of Gold codes can be generated with the following steps. Pick two maximum length sequences of the same length 2n − 1 such that their absolute cross-correlation is less than or equal to 2, where n is the size of the linear-feedback shift register used to generate the maximum length sequence (Gold '67).

What is Gold Sequence generator?

The Gold Sequence Generator block generates a binary sequence with small periodic cross-correlation properties from a bounded set of sequences. For more information, see Gold Sequences. This block can output sequences that vary in length during simulation.

How many gold codes are there?

For this situation there are 65 different Gold-codes available and the maximum full-code cross-correlation is 17.

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