
How can I find the delay between two signals? [duplicate]

How can I find the delay between two signals? [duplicate]
  1. How do you find the delay between two signals?
  2. How do you find time delay using cross-correlation?
  3. How to find delay time in Simulink?
  4. What is time delay in signal and system?

How do you find the delay between two signals?

d = finddelay( x , y ) returns an estimate of the delay d between input signals x and y . Delays in x and y can be introduced by prepending zeros. d = finddelay( x , y , maxlag ) uses maxlag to find the estimated delay(s) between x and y .

How do you find time delay using cross-correlation?

For delay analysis, correlation in the time domain is widely used. The correlation function plots the similarity between two signals for all possible lags τ. The peak of the correlation function occurs at the lag with the best similarity between the two signals, i.e. the estimated delay.

How to find delay time in Simulink?

Use the Find Delay block to find the delay between two signals. The Find Delay block has a Correlation window length parameter that must be adjusted based on the delay between to the signals.

What is time delay in signal and system?

A delay shifts right a time signal, while a modulator shifts the signal in frequency. ■ Time scaling—The time variable of a signal x(t) is scaled by a constant α to give x(αt). If α = −1, the signal is reversed in time (i.e., x(−t)), or reflected.

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