
In pulse code modulation what is pulse word represent?

In pulse code modulation what is pulse word represent?

The word pulse in the term pulse-code modulation refers to the pulses to be found in the transmission line.

  1. What is Pulse Code Modulation in simple words?
  2. Why is Pulse Code Modulation called modulation?
  3. What are the 5 elements in Pulse Code Modulation under transmitter section?
  4. What is the principle of pulse modulation?

What is Pulse Code Modulation in simple words?

Pulse code modulation (PCM) [13] is a digital scheme for transmitting analog data. It converts an analog signal into digital form. Using PCM, it is possible to digitize all forms of analog data, including full-motion video, voice, music, telemetry, etc.

Why is Pulse Code Modulation called modulation?

When a digital signal goes through PCM, the information is converted from analog form to binary form 0 , 1 . Hence, this process is a modulation technique, specifically digital modulation.

What are the 5 elements in Pulse Code Modulation under transmitter section?

The components of a PCM system are a low pass filter, sampler, quantizer, encoder, communication channel, quantizer, decoder, and a reconstruction filter. The input message signal m(t) is the analog signal applied to the sampler.

What is the principle of pulse modulation?

In a PCM system, the primary signal function with its subtle amplitude variations is transformed into a secondary signal. This signal is merely a sequence of on-off pulses, or marks and spaces where the pulse amplitude, the pulse width, or the pulse position does not vary.

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