
Is white noise WSS by nature or not?

Is white noise WSS by nature or not?

So, yes, any process that is called "white" is inherently WSS.

  1. Is white noise always Gaussian?
  2. Does white noise have infinite energy?
  3. Is white noise uniform or Gaussian?
  4. Is white noise non Gaussian?

Is white noise always Gaussian?

It is important to note that white noise is not always Gaussian noise. Gaussian noise means the probability density function of the noise has a Gaussian distribution, which basically defines the probability of the signal having a certain value.

Does white noise have infinite energy?

White noise is a CT stochastic process whose PSD is constant. Signal power is the integral of PSD over all frequency space. Therefore the power of white noise is infinite.

Is white noise uniform or Gaussian?

For example, you can generate a white noise signal using a random number generator in which all the samples follow a given Gaussian distribution. This is called White Gaussian Noise (WGN) or Gaussian White Noise. Similarly, a white noise signal generated from a Uniform distribution is called Uniform White Noise.

Is white noise non Gaussian?

However, any zero-mean amplitude distribution can define a non-Gaussian white-noise process (signal) as long as the values of the signal satisfy the aforementioned condition of statistical independence (see Section 2.2. 4 for examples of non-Gaussian white processes with symmetric amplitude distributions).

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