
Light seq nature methods

Light seq nature methods
  1. What are RNA-Seq methods?
  2. How does spatial transcriptomics work?
  3. What is stereo seq?

What are RNA-Seq methods?

RNA-Seq allows researchers to detect both known and novel features in a single assay, enabling the identification of transcript isoforms, gene fusions, single nucleotide variants, and other features without the limitation of prior knowledge.

How does spatial transcriptomics work?

Spatial transcriptomics is a method that enables researchers to spatially localize and quantify gene expression in the form of mRNA transcripts within cells or tissues that are in their native state. Spatial transcriptomics offers an unbiased exploration of mRNA transcripts in situ that can be quantified.

What is stereo seq?

Stereo-seq combines DNA nanoball- patterned arrays and tissue RNA capture to achieve large field-of-view spatial transcriptomics at cellular resolution, enabling the dissection of spatial cell- type heterogeneity of mouse embryonic tissues. Chen et al., 2022, Cell 185, 1777–1792.

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