
Reversing the Order of Operators for Edge Detection?

Reversing the Order of Operators for Edge Detection?
  1. How edge detector works?
  2. Which of the following uses two into two mask for edge detection?
  3. Is the process to determine the exact location of the edge in an image?
  4. What is log edge detection?

How edge detector works?

Edge detection is an image processing technique for finding the boundaries of objects within images. It works by detecting discontinuities in brightness. Edge detection is used for image segmentation and data extraction in areas such as image processing, computer vision, and machine vision.

Which of the following uses two into two mask for edge detection?

Prewitt operator provides us two masks one for detecting edges in horizontal direction and another for detecting edges in an vertical direction.

Is the process to determine the exact location of the edge in an image?

Edge detection is the process of determining which pixels are the edge pixels. The result of the edge detection process is typically an edge map, a new image that describes each original pixel's edge classification and perhaps additional edge attributes, such as magnitude and orientation.

What is log edge detection?

Edge Detection With The Log Operator

noise-sensitive, generally, the edge detectors are combined with a Gaussian filter in order to counter the noise enhancement property of the derivative calculations.

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