
Solution of state space equation

Solution of state space equation
  1. What is the state equation in state-space analysis?
  2. What is state-space formulation?
  3. How do you find the state equation?

What is the state equation in state-space analysis?

The state equation of a system is a function of state variables and inputs. The output at any time are functions of state variables and inputs. Hence the output variables can be expressed as a linear combination of state variables and inputs.

What is state-space formulation?

State-space formulation: A mathematical description of the relationships of the input, output, and the state of the system.

How do you find the state equation?

The state equation has a single first order derivative of the state vector on the left, and the state vector, q(t), and the input u(t) on the right. There are no derivatives on the right hand side. The output equation has the output on the left, and the state vector, q(t), and the input u(t) on the right.

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