Korelasi silang

Spectral analysis of a cross correlation function [duplicate]

Spectral analysis of a cross correlation function [duplicate]
  1. How do you do a cross-correlation analysis?
  2. What is the correct way to perform cross-correlation?
  3. Is cross-correlation function symmetric?
  4. How does cross-correlation work in image processing?

How do you do a cross-correlation analysis?

To detect a level of correlation between two signals we use cross-correlation. It is calculated simply by multiplying and summing two-time series together. In the following example, graphs A and B are cross-correlated but graph C is not correlated to either.

What is the correct way to perform cross-correlation?

Formula for Cross-Correlation

If independent variable X influences variable Y and the two are positively correlated, then as the value of X rises so will the value of Y. If the same is true of the relationship between X and Z, then as the value of X rises, so will the value of Z.

Is cross-correlation function symmetric?

Hence, the autocorrelation is a symmetric function. Hence, the cross-covariance, and therefore the cross-correlation, is an asymmetric function.

How does cross-correlation work in image processing?


Correlation is the process of moving a filter mask often referred to as kernel over the image and computing the sum of products at each location. Correlation is the function of displacement of the filter.

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