
What are typical audio waveform synchronization methods?

What are typical audio waveform synchronization methods?
  1. What is synchronising audio?
  2. What is an audio waveform?
  3. How does audio video sync work?

What is synchronising audio?

Synchronous sound, or sync sound, is audio that lines up precisely with what's happening on screen. Character dialog, a shot of a river with rushing water sounds, and punching sounds during a fight scene are all examples of synchronous sound.

What is an audio waveform?

An audio wave is the vibration of air molecules, which is how sound travels. A waveform describes a wave by graphing how an air molecule is displaced, over time. Amplitude is the strength of a wave's effect; the higher the amplitude, the more the air molecules are displaced.

How does audio video sync work?

Audio sync lets you adjust the audio tempo so it is in sync with the video. This button and/or setting allows you to slow down or speed up the audio. Since it seems that the audio should automatically be in-sync with the video, the first question you'll likely have is why you would need this feature at all.

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