
Coherent detection in wireless communication

Coherent detection in wireless communication
  1. What is Coherent detection in wireless communication?
  2. What is Coherent and noncoherent detection?
  3. What are Coherent communications?
  4. What is Coherent system in digital communication?

What is Coherent detection in wireless communication?

Coherent detection originates from radio communications, where a local carrier mixes with the received radio frequency (RF) signal to generate a product term. As a result, the received RF signal can be frequency translated and demodulated.

What is Coherent and noncoherent detection?

Non-coherent means optical transmission system does not require coherent local oscillator light; Coherent means optical transmission system that uses local oscillator light for coherent detection.

What are Coherent communications?

If your communication is Coherent, it means that the ideas are well linked together and they flow smoothly from one to the next, logically.

What is Coherent system in digital communication?

Coherent systems means that the receiver need the phase information of the transmitter (the carrier phase) to recover the transmitted data at receiver side. The phase information comes from either a reference from the transmitter or could be from a local oscillator (at the receiver side).

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