
DSP based FMCW radar

DSP based FMCW radar
  1. What is DSP in radar?
  2. What's the difference between FMCW and CW radars?
  3. What is FMCW radar used for?
  4. What is the range of FMCW radar?

What is DSP in radar?

The processing of radar images, in general, consists of three major fields: Digital Signal Processing (DSP); antenna and radar operation; and algorithms used to process the radar images.

What's the difference between FMCW and CW radars?

The CW radar can measure the Doppler frequency of the target, but it cannot measure the target range. The frequency-modulated CW radar (FM–CW) can measure both the range and Doppler frequency of the target.

What is FMCW radar used for?

A Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar or FMCW Radar system is a special type of radar system that measures both distance and velocity of moving objects. This is achieved by continuously varying the frequency of the transmitted signal by a modulating signal at a known rate over a fixed time period.

What is the range of FMCW radar?

Frequency Modulation is used in FMCW radar. FMCW radars use mm wave electromagnetic spectrum which has very short wavelengths upto 4 mm [9], [10]. The frequency used is in range of 76–81 GHz. Higher frequencies are used so that even smaller objects can be detected effectively.

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